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当前位置:主页  > 海外注册  > 办理中外合资企业—广州外资注册







Enterprise of Co-operative joint venture refer to foreign enterprises, other economic organizations or individual invest with Chinese enterprises or other economic organizations together to establish an enterprise which follows their Contract of Co-operative Joint Venture, and is approved by Chinese government in main land of China.

中外协作经营公司的特征:Thecharacteristic of Enterprise of Co-operative joint venture:

1、中外协作公司是中外各方根据两边定立的合同条款,而不是根据法令条款建立的公司 ,A Enterprise of Co-operative joint venture is the enterprise which follows the contract what is made by both foreign and Chinese parties, but doesn’t follow the jurisdiction clauses.

2、中外协作公司既可所以法人公司,也可所以非法人公司 A Foreign and Chinese Enterprise of Co-operative joint venture can be a enterprise of legal person, it can also be a enterprise of non-legal person.

3、外方协作者能够在约好的时间内先行收回出资,且在期满时将出资利益无偿留归中方 ,广州外资注册Foreign partners can take back their investment firstly, and leave the other investing profits for Chinese partners without obligation.

4、公司的处理既可所以董事会制,也可所以联合处理委员会制 This kind of enterprise can be managed by the system of board of directors, it can also be managed by a joint committee.

5、协作各方利益的分配和亏本的担负可不依出资份额断定,而由两边经过洽谈,用书面合同加以规 ,广州外资注册Each Co-operative parties gain their own profits or bear loss can be negotiated each other, then make sure by an written agreement or contract, the profits or loss can be ruled to be not followed by the proportion of investment.


Procedure & Documents for Registration of Foreign and Chinese Co-operative joint venture Invested Enterprise:

一、注册中外协作经营公司提交商务委流程: (Shanghai Foreign Economic relation & trade Commission)

处理时限:10个工作日 (Procedure: 10 working days)

请求应当提交下列文件:(Documents for registration of establishment of a Foreign-Invested company)

1、 建立请求书 ;

Application for Registration ;


The bank credit certificate of the foreign investors;(Original copy);


Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for legal representative;


Articles of association (Original copy)


Contract of Co-operative joint venture (Original copy);


Feasibility report (Original copy);


Proof of subject qualification or proof of identification as a natural person for investors;

The Proofs above should be certified by a notary public, and authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate of the country of investors. The Proofs above of Hong Kong-, Macao- or Taiwan-Investors should be certified by their native legal notary public;

Photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for directors, supervisors and managers


The name list and photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for directors or the members of management committee , supervisors and managers by each copartner of contract ;


“The notification of name pre-approval”(Original copy);


Original lease of foreign company residence and the duplicates certificate of real estate (should be certificate by notary public and keep on record in certain real estate management center);


Pre-approval document or certificate. For some special industry which laws or regulations claim that must be Pre-approved by the approval authority (Original copy).


The Commission in charge requests the other relevant certificates , proofs ,documentations;

备注:以上未注明提交原件的,可提交复印件;提交复印件的,应当注明“与原件共同”并由出资人加盖公章或签字; 以上各种文件文字为外文的,须由有合法翻译资历的单位出具的中文翻译件。广州外资注册

(Note:All documents above which are not requested to offer original copies can offer duplicate copies;All duplicates should be written with “same with the original copy” on the documents, and stamped or signed by investors;If some documents above in which have to be translated into Chinese by a legal translation unit.)

二、注册中外协作经营公司处理工商流程: (guangzhou Administration of Industry and Commerce)

处理时限:10个工作日 (Procedure: 10 working days)

请求工商注册应当提交下列文件(Documents for registration of establishment of a Foreign-Invested company)


“The Establishment Registration Application Form for Foreign Invested Enterprises” by the legal representative to be appointed (should offer original copy and one sheet of 2 inches passport photo of the legal representative);

2、外经委的同意文件(经营范围触及前置批阅的需供给有关批阅部分的许可证书副本和批复件原件)广州外资注册 ;

The approval document issued by guanzghou Foreign Economic relation & trade Commission; Pre-approval document or certificate for some special industry which laws or regulations claim that must be Pre-approved by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate);


Contract of joint venture, Articles of association and the reply of verify & approval authority on Contract of joint venture and Articles of Association (original copy);


Feasibility report (original copy);

5、《称号预先核准通知书》(原件)“The notification of name pre-approval” (original copy);


Duplicate proof of subject qualification or proof of identification as a natural person for investors;

The Proofs above should be certified by a notary public, and authenticated by the Chinese embassy or consulate of the country of investors. The Proofs above of Hong Kong-, Macao- or Taiwan-Investors should be certified by their native legal notary public;

7、由出资各方派遣的董事、监事和司理的名单、任职文件及身份证实复印件 ;

The name list and photocopies of documents of appointment and proof of identification for directors, supervisors and managers by each copartner of contract;


The record form and put it on record of the key personnel (directors, supervisors, general manager) (original copy);

9、法定代表人的任职文件和身份证实复印件 ;

Photocopies of documents of appointment and duplicate proof of identification (or passport ) for legal representative;


Original lease of your company residence and the duplicates certificate of title of the owner (should be certificate by notary public);


Letter of authorization for service of legal documents (original copy);

The letter is made by authorizer (a Foreign-Investor) and authorized Person (a recipient whom receives all legal registration documents service within borders of China)


The administration in charge requests the other relevant certificates , proofs ,documentations;

三、注册中外协作经营公司处理代码的流程: Organization Code

处理时限:1个工作日 (Procedure: 1 working day)

请求组织组织统一代码证应当提交下列文件(Documents for application the unified organizational code):


Original and duplicate business licenses;The approval document issued by Shanghai Foreign Economic relation & trade Commission; Pre-approval document or certificate for some special industry which laws or regulations claim that must be Pre-approved by the approval authority (one duplicate of official reply and approval certificate);Duplicate identification (or passport)for legal representative
